Saturday, January 26, 2008

What Happens if I Don't Want to Teach?

I'm at a crossroads. I just got my performance review as a teacher and it wasn't very good. Teaching is harder than I thought. But what do I do next? I didn't study business or law or anything else. I studied to be a teacher and a performer. You'd think that teaching choir is easy or something. Well it isn't!! I love music and I've alsways been good at it, but the kids are really tough. They miss their old teacher and have been really reisitant to learning from me. It's painful, but its not going to be any different anywhere else.

All first year choir teachers get a bad time when they start! It's really sad. Suddenly all the kids who sang last year either graduated or can't imagine singing for someone new. Last year was like a family. They are so tough on you--they don't realize that they are part of the problem. They don't realize that they certainly didn't respond to the other teacher that way. Suddenly they want to sing all of the old songs. Those old songs were just great. But if you let them sing the old songs, it just isn't the same and they still won't be happy. In fact they'll be unhappier.

I was poking around online wondering what I would do if I weren't teaching, and I can't figure it out. I love music. I want to teach it. The real estate market is down, otherwise I could see myself doing that. I would love to be able to just be someone's wife and not worry about these things, but times have changed and I have to change with them. Darn.


Anonymous said...

I ran across your blog this evening after a rough day with my choir. I did some random searches for stuff like "I hate my students", "I hate teaching", and "teaching choir is hard". Anyway, your blog came up and it really helped me feel like I'm not alone and it also motivated me to write my own blog to vent my frustrations with teaching. I have been teaching for several years now, but I am back to teaching high school after 10 years of lower grades. I am so miserable! I can't stand my choir and my guitar class!!

So, thank you for pouring your heart out in your blog; it inspired me.